If we understand reality in terms of quantum physics, all the information that we need is truly there for us to comprehend, but it needs to be filtered, organized, studied, and interpreted in the right way at the right time. Often the information comes to consciousness when the person is ready to do the work, but not all the information can come at once. There are layers and layers, and that is why oracles transform our lives each time we perform them. They are there to help. That is why a cultivation of the intuitive-mindful practice is needed in order to get the major benefits of a reading.
Words alone are nothing unless they are related to a context and given intention, emotion, direction, thought, and purpose. The same happens with oracles. What is most important is how we filter, read, and translate the information that is revealed with accuracy and how we use the information to do the work that is needed to fulfill our unique destinies.
As we know, this is called the art of reading and interpretation. I would say that it is a gift that can be cultivated over time and is also a matter of free will that is unique to each of us. The more we learn to read the cues correctly, the better we get over time. Of course, this is a learning process that is more intuitive than rational. In my own case, it is part of my profession and devotion, but one does not exclude the other! We need to dance with both all the time and use them for our betterment.
Taking a step further, we may wonder: What happens when two minds work together in search of truth? How important is it to hear the right information in order for us to make the best choices in a particular moment in life?
Reality is vast and chaotic, so we need to focus, concretize, and develop a plan. That is why it is important to create an oracle that helps to constellate and reveal our truths. That is the first stage of establishing a plan that can work. It is like consulting a map and packing your bags before going on a trip.
The goal in creating an oracle is for the particular flowers that show up for you in the reading to provide you with the information you need to recognize your state of mind and emotions. This means that the information will give you what you need to make the right adjustments and correct what is not working well. Later, in order to become even more conscious as you put what you need into practice, you will have the help of the essences when you take your personalized formula.
In this way, the adjustments that need to take place get aligned and worked out on both a conscious and unconscious level. There is always a part that you control and that you have choices over, but there is another part of the reality—the unconscious part—that you cannot control, and you need to be open to be transformed by that as well. Unfortunately, most of the time, we negate the unconscious, believing that we have everything under control. At the very least, we attempt to control the unconscious, but it is part of life and part of our nature. It is what makes life so mysterious!
In the oracular process, a truth—or several truths around one issue or various issues—is revealed by asking and telling. The oracular process starts by asking for help and providing more information about what kind of help you want. I have often seen that what has been asked for is one thing and the treatment by the flowers has been about something else. But actually the suggested treatment was in service of the questioner’s goal, but came at the problem from a different direction than the questioner had in mind. Therefore, we have to bring together the information that is most meaningful. Usually, that information is surprising and revealing!
I have had a lot of success, both by myself and with my clients, by combining Tarot readings and Flower Remedies. This method leaves behind the rational mind and provides quick results because it does not require the client to fill out a long questionnaire or to be interviewed at length.
Words alone are nothing unless they are related to a context and given intention, emotion, direction, thought, and purpose. The same happens with oracles. What is most important is how we filter, read, and translate the information that is revealed with accuracy and how we use the information to do the work that is needed to fulfill our unique destinies.
As we know, this is called the art of reading and interpretation. I would say that it is a gift that can be cultivated over time and is also a matter of free will that is unique to each of us. The more we learn to read the cues correctly, the better we get over time. Of course, this is a learning process that is more intuitive than rational. In my own case, it is part of my profession and devotion, but one does not exclude the other! We need to dance with both all the time and use them for our betterment.
Taking a step further, we may wonder: What happens when two minds work together in search of truth? How important is it to hear the right information in order for us to make the best choices in a particular moment in life?
Reality is vast and chaotic, so we need to focus, concretize, and develop a plan. That is why it is important to create an oracle that helps to constellate and reveal our truths. That is the first stage of establishing a plan that can work. It is like consulting a map and packing your bags before going on a trip.
The goal in creating an oracle is for the particular flowers that show up for you in the reading to provide you with the information you need to recognize your state of mind and emotions. This means that the information will give you what you need to make the right adjustments and correct what is not working well. Later, in order to become even more conscious as you put what you need into practice, you will have the help of the essences when you take your personalized formula.
In this way, the adjustments that need to take place get aligned and worked out on both a conscious and unconscious level. There is always a part that you control and that you have choices over, but there is another part of the reality—the unconscious part—that you cannot control, and you need to be open to be transformed by that as well. Unfortunately, most of the time, we negate the unconscious, believing that we have everything under control. At the very least, we attempt to control the unconscious, but it is part of life and part of our nature. It is what makes life so mysterious!
In the oracular process, a truth—or several truths around one issue or various issues—is revealed by asking and telling. The oracular process starts by asking for help and providing more information about what kind of help you want. I have often seen that what has been asked for is one thing and the treatment by the flowers has been about something else. But actually the suggested treatment was in service of the questioner’s goal, but came at the problem from a different direction than the questioner had in mind. Therefore, we have to bring together the information that is most meaningful. Usually, that information is surprising and revealing!
I have had a lot of success, both by myself and with my clients, by combining Tarot readings and Flower Remedies. This method leaves behind the rational mind and provides quick results because it does not require the client to fill out a long questionnaire or to be interviewed at length.