*** List of Key Symptoms and Positive Potentials ***
FES (2) - From Cosmos to Lavender
25. COSMOS. Cosmos bipinnatus
THE COHERENT EXPRESSION FLOWER. From chaos of mind to coherent communication. Key Symptoms: Disorganized communication; overwhelmed with too many thoughts and ideas; over excitement. Positive Potential: Coherent thinking; integration of ideas and speech. |
26. DANDELION. Taraxacum officinale
THE DYNAMIC LIFE FORCE FLOWER. From rigidity to easy work and play. Key Symptoms: Tense musculature; rigid physicality; hard-striving and over-driving. Positive Potential: Equilibrium and ease between work and play; expressive and dynamic life force expressing through your physical energy. |
27. DEERBRUSH. Ceanothus integerrimus
THE TRUE FEELING FLOWER. From conflicting motives to genuine communication. Key Symptoms: Dishonesty mixed with conflicting motives, reasons or purposes; politeness not based on genuine feeling responses. Positive Potential: Clarity of purpose; alignment of motives and actions with one’s own true feelings. |
28. DILL. Anethum graveolens
THE SENSITIVITY FLOWER. From overwhelming input to sensory awareness. Key Symptoms: Overwhelming and chaotic experience of the sensorial realm; excess of stimulation; hypersensitivity. Positive Potential: Ability to experience in depth a wide variety of sensory input; awareness of touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing, etc. |
29. DOGWOOD. Cornus nuttallii
THE BODY PAIN RELEASE FLOWER. From body trauma to harmonic body. Key Symptoms: Awkwardness feeling of the body; hidden trauma of abuse or accident prone; past trauma permeating and affecting the body. Positive Potential: Movement filled with grace; physical and ethereal forces balancing the body, creating harmony within. |
30. ECHINACEA. Echinacea purpurea
THE IMMUNITY FLOWER. From shattered self to strong integrity. Key Symptoms: Poor functioning of the immune system; affected by severe trauma or abuse of any kind; disintegration of the Self. Positive Potential: Immunity and core integrity of the Self when challenged by stress and/or facing trauma symptoms or illness. |
31. EVENING PRIMROSE. Oenothera elata
THE OPENING TO LOVE FLOWER. From repression to harmonic love. Key Symptoms: Profound fear of rejection rooted in childhood by parental figures; avoidance of relationships and repression of any warm emotional or sexual feelings; emotional coldness and repression. Positive Potential: Healing and warming up of personality of early traumatic emotions absorbed by caretakers; capability to open up to relate with no fear and in authentic ways; opening to love and be loved. |
32. FAIRY LANTERN. Calochortus albus
THE MATURATION FLOWER. From childish dependency to growing up adult . Key Symptoms: Neediness, childish dependency, immaturity and helplessness; unable to grow up and take responsibility. Positive Potential: Acceptance of adulthood and its responsibilities; healthy integration of the "inner child" and maturation. |
33. FAWN LILY. Erythronium purpurascens
THE SOCIAL INVOLVED FLOWER. From isolation to participation in society . Key Symptoms: Isolated, withdrawn, self-protection; over mystical and lacking the ability and the drive to be in relationship. Positive Potential: Positive involvement with family and community; capable of sharing personal and spiritual gifts with others; involvement to social projects. |
34. FILAREE. Erodium cicutarium
THE BROADER PERSPECTIVE FLOWER. From hyper-focus and worry at details to star-like vision. Key Symptoms: Obsessive compulsive about minor details; exaggerated worry and control; unable to have a broader perspective of events in life; hyper-reactivity on small things not going the way you think they should. Positive Potential: Able to hold a cosmic overview of things, events and life itself unfolding naturally; there is room for imperfection; gaining perspective and ease in looking at things with love and trust. |
35. FORGET-ME-NOT. Mysotis sylvatica
THE SOUL CONNECTEDNESS FLOWER. From disconnection of the Soul to awareness of karmic links. Key Symptoms: Loneliness and isolation of the Soul due to the death of a love one; lack of connection to the spiritual world. Positive Potential: Awareness and connectedness to the karmic realm of the soul; ability to perceive the subtle and transpersonal realms. |
36. FUCHSIA. Fuchsia magellanica
THE VITALITY FLOWER. From body-trauma pain to genuine expression. Key Symptoms: Hyper-emotional and drama-like hysteria masking deeply rotted pain and trauma; psychosomatic responses to trauma. Positive Potential: Authentic and genuine vitality; ability of express deep and intense feelings. |
37. GARLIC. Allium sativum
THE ACTIVIST FLOWER. From weakness to firm resilience. Key Symptoms: Fear and weakness due to external influences; pron to low energy and vitality; mediumistic. Positive Potential: Resilience and vitality to respond in a firm way to life events; active resistance to not favorable circumstances or adverse influences. |
38. GOLDEN EAR DROPS. Ehrendorferia chrysantha
THE REMEMBERING CORE EXPERIENCES FLOWER. From repressed memories to insightful understanding. Key Symptoms: Repressed memories; suppressed traumatic memories suffered in childhood; trauma and pain about past events affecting your present moments and identity. Positive Potential: Nourishing and insightful memories; ability to remember and understand past experiences that are core to your personal and emotional history. |
39. GOLDEN YARROW. Achillea filipendulina
THE INNER-OUTER EQUILIBRIUM FLOWER. From over-sensitivity to balanced self in relationship. Key Symptoms: Hyper-sensitive to the social environment and social surroundings; isolation to the self or fake social persona; drug dependency for social masking and protection. Positive Potential: Staying open to others while staying self-contained; participatory and active socially but preserving the inner equilibrium. |
40. GOLDENROD. Solidago californica
THE BALANCED INDIVIDUALITY FLOWER. From socially influenced to standing with once own individuality. Key Symptoms: Over-influenced by group dynamics or cultural and social pressures; inability to be true to oneself; easily susceptible to social and peer pressures or social external demands. Positive Potential: Firm and strong sense of Self; secure sense of individuality balanced in relationship with others, groups, family and with social consciousness. |
41. HIBISCUS. Hibiscus moscheutos
THE VITAL SEXUALITY FLOWER. From no sexual enjoyment to sexual fulfillment. Key Symptoms: Inability to embody your sexual energies; unable to enjoy sexual and sensual experience; lack of vitality due to previous abuse, or false cultural beliefs or expectations falsely created. Positive Potential: Warm and loving response to sexuality; integration of body passion and warmth of the soul. |
42. HOUND'S TONGUE. Cynoglossum grande
THE HOLISTIC THINKING FLOWER. From materialistic world view to holistic perception. Key Symptoms: Over-analytical materialistic and mundane view point of life and the world; heaviness or torpor may accompany in the physical body. Positive Potential: Unified and holistic perception of reality with lively and creative thoughts; integration of imagination and intellect. |
43. INDIAN PAINTBRUSH. Castilleja miniata
THE CREATIVITY FLOWER. From low vitality to perfect expression of your creativity. Key Symptoms: Exhaustion and low key activity and low vitality; difficulty to sustain creative forces; inability to bring forth creative forces into physical expression. Positive Potential: Lively and creative creativity; energetic and artistic exuberant activity. |
44. INDIAN PINK. Selene californica
THE CENTERED FLOWER. From fragmentation to grounded focus. Key Symptoms: Fragmentation of the psychic forces by too many external demands; overwhelmed by multi-level activity. Positive Potential: Capacity to be centered and grounded; able to focus even under very stressful circumstances; able to multitask and manage and coordinate various tasks. |
45. IRIS. Iris douglasiana
THE INSPIRATION FLOWER. From ordinariness to soulful creativity. Key Symptoms: Absence of inspiration and creativity; feeling weighted down by the ordinariness of the world; observant and passive numbness. Positive Potential: Inspired soulful creativity; you have access to higher realms of inspiration; radiant and iridescent vision that permeate all aspects of life. |
46. LADY'S SLIPPER (Yellow). Cypripedium parviflorum
THE LIFE PURPOSE FLOWER. From energetic exhaustion to alignment of your spiritual vision. Key Symptoms: Life purpose not in alignment with outer activity; energetic exhaustion; lower chakras blocked; sexual depletion due to inability to access to your life force. Positive Potential: Your higher purpose is aligned with daily activity; integration of your spiritual vision; vital forces aligned. |
47. LAKSPUR. Delphinium variegatum
THE CHARISMATIC LEADERSHIP FLOWER. From lack of leadership to charismatic presence. Key Symptoms: Distorted power misaligned, wrongly expressed and utilized; self-aggrandizement and burdensome dutifulness; inability to motivate and inspire others. Positive Potential: Joyful and enthusiastic leadership; charismatic presence that is contagious. |
48. LAVENDER. Lavendula angustifolia
THE SPIRITUAL SENSITIVITY FLOWER. From scattered state to high awareness. Key Symptoms: Nervousness or high-wired, scattered energy states; over-stimulation of mental or spiritual forces, insomnia and depletion of physical forces. Positive Potential: Spiritual sensitivity; high awareness that is aligned and stable with bodily health. |
Bach Flower Therapy is a member of FES and buys their 103 Quintessential flower essences, flowers from California, to promote and use the mother essences to create personalized remedy formulas for our clients. You can find more information about FES at their website: www.flowersociety.org
Texts, titles and Key Symptoms and Positive Potentials are written by Roser Camats Falip. Photos of the flowers are taken from free images at Pixabay.