*** List of Key Symptoms and Positive Potentials ***
FES (4) - From Queen Anne's Lace to Tumpet Vine
73. QUEEN ANNE'S LACE. Daucus carota
THE SPIRITUAL ALIGNER FLOWER. From distortion to spiritual integration. Key Symptoms: Lack of physical eyesight or psychic perception due to past sexual trauma or emotional imbalances; lack of objectivity; projection; distortion of psychic perception. Positive Potential: Integration of sexuality and inner balance of the emotional self; spiritual integration; vision and insights of once own wholeness; returning to the innocent state of the mind, body and Soul. |
74. QUINCE. Chaenomeles speciosa
THE UNIONIZING YIN/YANG FORCES FLOWER. From inconsistency to unification. Key Symptoms: For dysfunctional and/or inconsistent rulers, parents, leaders. Unable to reconcile or catalyze strength and power with affection and tenderness. Positive Potential: Being firm and courageous in loving; the coming together of the feminine and the masculine powers; unification of the feminine and masculine principles. |
75. RABBITBRUSH. Ericameria nauseosus
THE DISCERNING MIND FLOWER. From fuzzy consciousness to cleared mind. Key Symptoms: Overwhelmed by too many details; unable to discriminate; not tolerating sensory subtle perception; too many stimuli coming to mind all at once. Positive Potential: Accurate perceptual mind and flexible state of mind; alertness, coherence and clarity; awaken and lively in once own mind. |
76. RED CLOVER. Trifolium pratense
THE BUDDHA FLOWER. From anxious to grounded presence. Key Symptoms: Easily prompt to anxiety; susceptible to collective neurosis and hysteria of the mind; influenced by fear, panic and other forms of anxious behavior. Positive Potential: Grounded and calm presence in an emergency situation; steady and genuine supportive attitude in difficult moments. |
77. ROSEMARY. Rosmarinus officinalis
THE HEALTHY FLOWER. From cloudy to fresh and embodied presence. Key Symptoms: Lose incarnation in the body; diffused energy in the body; poor learning abilities; poor memory and presence; traumatic out of body experiences. Positive Potential: Healthy and warm physical presence; mental vitality and freshness; healthy and healing embodiment of the mind, body and Soul. |
78. SAGE. Salvia Officinalis
THE IN-DEPTH LIFE PERSPECTIVE FLOWER. From superficiality to higher perspective. Key Symptoms: Perception contaminated by superficial and vague data; ill perspective of life; inability to perceive in depth; unable to capture or understand life processes from a higher perspective. Positive Potential: Knowledge derived from once own experience; wisdom coming from life source; capability to assess life circumstances from a deep and higher perspective. |
79. SAGEBRUSH. Artemisa tridentata
THE ESSENTIAL AWARENESS FLOWER. From false identification to receptive emptiness. Key Symptoms: Over-attached to false identities of oneself; illusion of outer attachments represented negatively in aspects of the personality; dysfunctional over-identification. Positive Potential: With potential for essential awareness of the self and others; release of what is false; capable of transforming and changing; aliveness within; organic self-renewal. |
80. SAGUARO. Carnegiea gigantea
THE ESSENTIAL AWARENESS FLOWER. From false identification to receptive emptiness. Key Symptoms: Over-attached to false identities of oneself; illusion of outer attachments represented negatively in aspects of the personality; dysfunctional over-identification. Positive Potential: With potential for essential awareness of the self and others; release of what is false; capable of transforming and changing; aliveness within; organic self-renewal. |
81. SAINT JOHN'S WORT. Hypericum perforatum
THE ILLUMINATED CONSCIOUSNESS FLOWER. From depression to light-filled awareness. Key Symptoms: Depressive state; unable to reach and be in touch with the spiritual world; disturbing and fearful dreams. Positive Potential: Solar power and strength given by illuminated consciousness; light-filled insights and awareness. |
82. SCARLET MONKEY FLOWER. Mimulus Cardinalis.
THE EMOTIONAL COMMUNICATIVE FLOWER. From holding deep negative feelings to releasing them. Key Symptoms: Shame and fear that come up for holding and repressing intense feelings; incapable to act in another way; powerlessness; feeling trapped in one's own emotional negative body; hard to be "real", instead, pretending to be "nice". Positive Potential: Honest, direct and clear communication of deep feelings like disappointments, fear and anger; release of negative emotions and integration of the shadow. |
83. SCOTCH BROOM. Cytisus scoparious.
THE FUTURISTIC FLOWER. From disheartened pessimism to optimistic view. Key Symptoms: Depressed; heartbroken and disheartened; take over by pessimism and despair, particularly in regards of one's own personal relationship to the events happening in the world. Positive Potential: Optimistic and positive about the events that the future will bring and what it holds for oneself and the whole humanity; solar forces in action connecting and manifesting all around you. |
84. SELF-HEAL. Prunella vulgaris.
THE CHOOSING WELLNESS FLOWER. From not caring to investing responsibly in your care. Key Symptoms: Holding a healing attitude and positivity about your own healing process and finding a personal cure; ability to tap into health-giving forces of your mind, body and soul; taking new life style stance that lead to wholeness and wellness. Positive Potential: Over-dependent on advice from others in regards of health choices; not capable to take responsibility for one's own well-being; lack of spiritual motivation for healing. |
85. SHASTA DAISY. Leucanthemum x superbum.
THE SYNTESIZING FLOWER. From broken mind into pieces to holistic consciousness. Key Symptoms: Over-intellectualization of reality; seeing information that is a-contextualized like bits and separate pieces rather than parts of a whole; artificiality or mechanic intelligence. Positive Potential: Holistic consciousness; synthesis of disparate ideas into a living wholeness. |
86. SHOOTING STAR. Dodecatheon hendersonii.
THE HUMANIZING FLOWER. From disturbance of living on Earth to becoming fully human. Key Symptoms: Disturbing and traumatic birth; profound feelings of alienation; not feeling at home on Earth, not a part of the human family. Positive Potential: Spirituality that is fully human; human and cosmic consciousness aligned; warmed consciousness with caring and nurturing features; love for all that is human and earthy. |
87. SNAPDRAGON. Antirrhinum majus.
THE HEALTHY LIBIDO FLOWER. From repression of libido to dynamic unfolding. Key Symptoms: Hostile and verbal aggression; misdirected libido of repressed negative emotions; tension in the jaw and mouth; snapping, biting or unbalanced eating behaviors. Positive Potential: Healthy and dynamic, lively energy; healthy libido; verbal communication that is assertive and emotionally balanced. |
88. STAR THISTLE. Centaurea solstitialis.
THE ABUNDANT FLOWER. From not able to give to giving freely. Key Symptoms: Behavior and attitude that is generous; abundant energy of giving; ability to share with others from the heart and a place of feeling abundant. Positive Potential: Hoarding tendencies to accumulate; fear of lack; inability to give freely or spontaneously. |
89. STAR TULIP. Calochortus tolmiei.
THE SOUL ATTUNEMENT FLOWER. From blindness of the soul to soul receptivity. Key Symptoms: Lack of attunement to soul qualities or having insights from the soul; inability to cultivate quiet inner presence; not capable to mediate or pray. Positive Potential: Sensitive and receptive attunement; serene soul disposition, inner listening to others and higher worlds; especial receptivity to dreams and meditative states. |
90. STRICKY MONKEYFLOWER. Mimulus aurantiacus.
THE SENSUAL LOVING FLOWER. From inappropriate intimacy to authentic and loving sexual intimacy. Key Symptoms: Inability to experience love and warmth feelings in sexual experiences; inappropriate sexual behaviors dissociated from love; repression of the sexual and loving feelings. Positive Potential: Healthy, genuine and warm sexual expression of love; balanced integration of sexual intimacy; ability to express deep feelings of love, sensuality and sexuality. |
91. SUNFLOWER. Helianthus annuus.
THE SOLAR STRENGTH FLOWER. From inflation of the Ego to authentic unique self. Key Symptoms: Distorted sense of self; vacillation, inflation of the Ego; low self-esteem and arrogant stance; poor relationship to the archetype of father or solar aspects of the self. Positive Potential: Spiritualized ego strength infused with sun-radiant qualities; unique personality and genuine individuality. |
92. SWEET PEA. Lathyrus latifolius.
THE GROUNDING FLOWER. From no-sense of belonging to establishing your roots. Key Symptoms: Feeling of belonging to the Earth and the community at large; able to form roots where one lives or stays; feeling rooted in the social fabric; commitment to the community. Positive Potential: Homelessness; unable to form healthy attachment or bond with social community; unable to find one's own place on Earth and in the community; feeling disoriented; nomad; dislocation or frequent travel and/or moving. |
93. TANSY. Tanacetum vulgare.
THE STRAIGHTFORWARD FLOWER. From no purpose to decisive action. Key Symptoms: Personal purpose driven; goal-oriented and decisive; purposeful action taken; self-directed mastery and achievement. Positive Potential: Inability to take straightforward action; habits which undermine or subvert real abilities and talents; lethargy; procrastination. |
94. TIGER LILY. Lilium humboldtii.
THE SOCIALLY WARMING FLOWER. From aggressive behavior to smooth collaboration. Key Symptoms: Overly aggressive forces; excess of "Yang" energy; competitive attitude; lack of cooperation. Positive Potential: Adequate and positive interactions with others; socially warmth and balanced; collaboration; alignment of masculine and feminine forces which communicate and relate from the soul. |
95. TRILLIUM. Trillium chloropetalum.
THE SECURE FINANCIAL SENSE OF SELF FLOWER From poverty of spirit to solid financial self. Key Symptoms: Fear based materialistic view or the world and life possibilities; distortion of one's sense of worth; dis-alignment of the survival chakra; greed for possessions and obsession for power; poverty consciousness that holds onto the material. Positive Potential: Ability to be of give and serve to others; secure sense of personal welfare and financial well-being. |
96. TRUMPET VINE. Campsis tagliabuana.
THE CLEAR SPEECH FLOWER. From non-assertive speech to articulated communication. Key Symptoms: Inability to be assertive or to speak clearly, speech impediments; lack of vitality or soul force in expression. Positive Potential: Active expression of one's dynamic positive projection of oneself in social situations; articulated and positive in verbal expression. |
Bach Flower Therapy is a member of FES and buys their 103 Quintessential flower essences, flowers from California, to promote and use the mother essences to create personalized remedy formulas for our clients. You can find more information about FES at their website: www.flowersociety.org
Texts, titles and Key Symptoms and Positive Potentials are written by Roser Camats Falip. Photos of the flowers are taken from free images at Pixabay.