Dr. Edward Bach achieved to elaborate 38 flower essences or remedies known today as the Bach Flower Essences.
Note: Bach Flower Essences and Bach Flower Remedies stand for the same and they are interchangeable.
This extraordinary contribution has enabled the rediscovery of the energetic reservoir of the vegetable and plant kingdom by providing us with a vastly rich and a natural treasure that can be utilized today for our own well-being and healing. The flower remedies provide to us healing not by suppressing symptoms, nor by altering our biochemistry but rather by acting as a catalyst to strengthen our conscious healing journey.
Many different traditions like the Native Americans, the Hindu, the Incas, the Celtic and the Taoist traditions among others, used flowers and plants for therapeutic purposes in many different forms. As an example, Paracelsus, spoke of using flowers for healing purposes. Steiner, the father of the anthroposophical medicine, refers to the healing power of the flower essences as a subtle and therapeutic powerful energy to be discovered.
Flower essences are basically classified by the W.H.O. (World Health Organization) as “individualized therapies” under the heading of a natural, safe, and preventive method for improve health. Since 1976, the W.H.O. include programs on natural and preventive health methods. Among those methods, flower essences like the Bach Flower Remedies, are recognized by the W.H.O. and are recommended and promoted to all its members.
In a framework of a demographic population explosion and by living in a global high health cost society, the W.H.O. also stresses out very meaningfully the preventive, supplementary and value savings of these natural methods.
Together, with the present technical advances in medicine, its study and its use are far extended, making an emphasis to the integration of these natural methods to the field of complementary medicine. This new approach of "alternative medicine" began to give value to the social environment of each patient and seriously begin to consider the emotional and psychological balance of each individual as factors influencing the achievement of a healthy state as a whole (the world "whole" coming from the word "holistic").
From the point of view of this type of natural therapy, what is most important to observe in a disease process does not reside in the physical symptoms that are experienced by the individual. The importance resides in the assessment of the whole person and the relationship that this person maintains with himself or herself, and at the same time, with his or her environment. In this case, the emphasis is given to the person, meaning that "there are no diseases but sick persons".
With this frame in mind and contemplating each individual in his/her own context, is truly essential to take into account the subjective appreciation of the individuals with respect to their existence and their feelings associated with their way of living. This means to value as much as possible their inner experience and their unique causes and effects. The most apparent or measurable performance is around the emotional impact. Therefore, the remedies are useful in treating moods and affects associated with all kinds of mental and emotional imbalances.
The flower essences act at the deepest and most subtle levels of the causes of the profound human conflicts providing to each person that is looking for healing a deep and profound amelioration. In this case, in such changing environment in which we live today, flower essences enhance the opposite virtues to a dis-harmonic state that can be causing any suffering (e.g. stress, fear, and uncertainty). By allowing a balanced state to manifest, in consequence, a more harmonic and coherent state of being is achieved.
A very important aspect of the flower essences that has been spoken very little has been related to the way in which they operate. Human beings have an electromagnetic field or energetic field, and this is a very sophisticated system of frequencies that among other things contains the biochemical functioning as well as the biological and psychic balance of each unique individual.
According to the interaction more or less conflictual with the environment, these frequencies can be altered and affected. depending on the type of electromagnetic field that is affected in each particular case (mental, emotional or physical) - in which flower essences can be applied to to be balancing the whole organism.
Given that the electromagnetic field in a particular person is a set of interconnected systems, any alteration of these systems operate at a certain "frequency." When those are not restored or balanced back to neutral or back to a normal state (that is balanced), these systems can be reduced to lower frequencies (unhealthy) and vice versa, meaning that the lower frequencies can also be elevated or replaced by the higher frequencies as well.
To name it in another way, the conflicts generated through different interactions with the environment can trigger or alter the psycho-emotional system in a way that it can have physical and psychological (psychosomatic) consequences causing serious damage if this is not resolved. The inability to make physical or psychological modifications (or repairs) at an energetic level when this is needed, could extend or bring these imbalances to affect other more important organic and physical levels that create more chronic or serious disease and illnesses.
Many of the diseases and illness that human beings suffer, except the accidental and congenital diseases, can have a psycho-emotional origin, especially in humans, due to their complex psyches and their frequent difficulties adapting to a particular environment. Also, given their high potentiality for developing emotional and mental imbalances due to the broader stressors of the modern world.
A very simple example of this interrelation can be given from medium to high emotional disturbances that can alter, even briefly, the frequencies associated with the immune system and increase the fragility against germs, which can be manifested days later as a form of a symptom - like it could happen getting a "simple cold".
Stimulating the restorative capacity of the energy system of any living being, flower essences superimpose harmonic "frequencies" and facilitate concrete changes of the frequencies at specific systems of the electromagnetic field. With its vibrational ability to restore balance, the flower essences can help to restore especially the negative frequencies (dis-harmonic, pertaining to the emotional body) bringing positivity and harmonization of the whole personality.
In the majority of cases, when the person takes a flower remedy and harmonizes his/her internal world, the specific negative symptoms that the person might be experiencing, can miraculously diminish or disappear. Flower essences in this case, can be used without risk since they have no active ingredients or induce any biochemical actions. Therefore, it is not possible to overdose or having side effects, or creating any dependency.
The remedies are vibrational formulas made of extracts/essences of the flowers. Those are not drugs and they do not interact with any prescribed medicine. They can be used at any age by any person, being particularly effective in children. They can be also applied to any alive being like animals and plants. And, they can be also used with water and essential oils to clean our environments or living spaces.
In case that we mistaken the flower essence that we want to use for a particular condition, what is most certain is that we will lack undesirable effects – as the W.H.O corroborates: "The remedies can be associated with other treatments or therapies, since they always enhance the healing process or in cases of incurable processes or chronic illness, they can provide serenity and inner peace."
The research that has been done with the flower essences allow us to shorten the time for the resolution of our conflicts and diseases of the mind, body, and soul in a non-harmful way. Simultaneously, the flower remedies can help us to shorten the distances between the polarities "crisis" and "healing " but in this particular case, it is "the way" that the essences bring us healing what is the most important to consider: the way to heal naturally by healing from Nature itself.
The subtle energy of the flower essences is an invaluable help for internal harmonization as well as the improvement of more quality of life. More and more, especially in these moments that humanity is suffering and struggling to make peace, there is this new emerging paradigm or a new model of embodying a natural and authentic healthy life style, a healthy living from its roots, aligned with the principle of living a consciously and practicing a healthy life style.
The flower essences and its applications are perhaps one of the more needed bridges between man and Nature that is the most needed than ever today.