7. SCLERANTHUS. THE CERTAINTY FLOWER. From Indecision to Inner-Certainty.
"Those who suffer much from being unable to decide between two things, first one seeming right then the other. They usually quiet people and bear their difficulty alone as they are not inclined to discuss it with others." - Dr. Bach
Key Symptoms: You feel indecisive between two options. You are uncertain.
Positive Potential: Keeping in touch with your center, you maintain your inner balance, arriving to decide with precision what is most needed.
"Those who suffer much from being unable to decide between two things, first one seeming right then the other. They usually quiet people and bear their difficulty alone as they are not inclined to discuss it with others." - Dr. Bach
Key Symptoms: You feel indecisive between two options. You are uncertain.
Positive Potential: Keeping in touch with your center, you maintain your inner balance, arriving to decide with precision what is most needed.
Read Bach Flower Positive Potentials & Affirmations
(1) Image bottle courtesy of Creature Comforters®