The previous Sunday, I woke up with a shocking and interesting dream that invited me to ponder all week long about an image of two dialoguing aspects in myself, a masculine and a feminine. For the first time in my life, I dreamt that I was sitting in front of Donald Trump in a park.
It was a kind of a big gathering of people that I was supposedly going but I ended up sitting alone with Trump face to face. In the dream, I was asking what I was doing so close to him? What was my purpose of being there? And how I ended up with such big of a responsibility of having to talk to him? I keep wondering, if this was real: What would I say? I guess that the plot of my dream brought me there for a reason. For example: I was going to a protest, to a debate, a social meeting or other.
Interestingly, despite my interest to be of help, being an introvert type, it is rare for me going to social events. I have to force myself. I do recognize that I have a sincere interest to be helpful and hear from others but I still wonder the reason why I was going to meet with Donald Trump in my dream.
In remember very little details in the dream but I kept thinking on the final outcome and I ended up questioning: Why I ended up in the first row, just in front or so close to the president of United States? As I sit with how I felt in the dream, I keep noticing that perhaps it was by synchronicity that I had this “special” chance. And, when being awake, I keep wondering how my mind and heart would use this chance if this would happen in the real world instead of in my dream.
In this sense, I wanted to be precise on what I would like to talk with a head of a nation that is a main theme or an organizing principle in my profession. This is connected to the divine feminine; a matter of love and care. Interestingly, I keep realizing that what I truly feel is that politics is truly missing this organizing principle rooted in the values of feminine principles.
Politics are abundant in strategizing and acting but are not good in having a dialog about love, and by doing so, touching the hearts of people. They are not good in listening, in reflecting, in being patient and caring. They are not good in feeling and being vulnerable, in allowing time to arrive to appropriate and conscious decisions by their wisdom, instincts and intuition.
We are all seeing everyday that being strategic and proactive are a very good skills to govern (sometimes we just have to act) but many times, acting out of a wrong mind and rushing things can be seriously catastrophic and life damaging. This brings a big question that I feel it can be asked to reflect at a collective level but also at an individual one: Are our decisions made with consciousness and love? Or they are based in fear? From where do we make our decisions? Where do they come from? What is essential to prioritize to preserve life?
Thinking more about my dream and personally elaborating into it, I connected with other deeper questions like the following: How do I sit with the politics at this time of the COVID-19 pandemic? Can I have a dialog about what matters the most? What I would like to talk about? What I am doing in America during this time in my life and how I relate to authority? I still feel an immigrant after more than a decade living in California? Do I feel the government foreign/close to me and my values? Does my voice matter to speak up with a President? What would be of value to say? What is my role?
The following week, in my own weekly psychotherapy I got an interesting question from my analyst: Do you like Trump? And my answer was a simple “NO.” Then, if you don’t like him you might not trust him either? This becomes like a challenging situation, isn’t it?
This brought even a broader question for the collective which I want to point out, and this is why I decided to write about this dream in my Blog the following week. I felt I had to go social and communicate about my work with flower essences and dreams. How do we have a dialog with an authority figure that we don’t trust? What are the fundamental values to hold on. Some answers that come to me are about.. being open, holding onto our integrity, strength and truth despite the fear, despite the challenge.
To share further about these moments and the healing taking place while this dream showed up and the image of this dialog is rooting deep in my psyche, the formula remedy I am taking since March 15th contain the following flower essences from the FES (California remedy system):
71. Purple Monkey Flower (the revelation to the spirit flower);
69. Pomegranate (the creative action flower);
21. Chamomille (the mind-body peace maker flower);
22. Chaparral (the transpersonal understanding flower); and
93. Tansy (the straightforward flower).
This has been a nice combination of different FES flower essences for me to rise above a level that keeps me awake and serene at the same time. If you check each flower, it makes sense that this process of dreaming about having a dialog brings a creative process into place, a process of distilling what is to be spoken, processed and understood in community or in partnership.
The leader of the remedy (flower number one) is Purple Monkey Flower and I want to highlight that this flower works with the following: (then it will make more sense what I have been illustrating about the dream as well that gives me a way to empower myself by communicating).
Key Symptoms: Censorship coming from the mind, fear of not being valued or compensated by cultural and religious codex or conventional family/group or societal values; avoiding to experience fully the spiritual awakenings; apprehension to elevate consciousness to a next level and being trapped in fear, limiting beliefs of the material world. Its
Positive Potential: Renewing loving spirituality instead of fear-based in order to experience peace of mind and heart when experiencing the numinous, spiritual and or divine. Finally, its ultimate source is to allow complete trust in once own inner guidance, courage to trust what is being revealed to you in the realm of the spirit.
At the same time, when I kept asking what remedy would be helpful at this time for society to face the corona virus and raise consciousness, my revelations conducted me to think that Purple Monkey Flower is perhaps a remedy that can be of aid for helping anyone in times of crisis to not lose themselves.
Please, consider to check the qualities of the FES flowers and notice if you recognize a specific potential that would helpful to you at this time to balance the opposition within and would bring you a quality that would help you to be more whole, more peaceful, more calm (whatever quality you need to work on).
Continuing with the thread of my dream and my synchronicities of these recent days, I want to share another key thing that brought me to share the insights on this dream in community. The Tarot Card that inspired me was interestingly titled: Collaborative Dreaming and was telling me the following: “Your heart is big enough to dream not only for yourself, but for a new humanity. Imagine a world that is healed with respect, understanding and with community that fosters life.”
The reading follows saying: “Even your dreams that relate to you alone will contribute positively to the greater good because that is the nature of your heart. Your heart naturally and intelligently co-operates in a grand scheme of loving creativity, working to heal the hearts and the world. The heart creates win-win situations that benefit the individual and the collective.”
"This oracle, brought the meaningful message that was guiding me (and You) to stay in your integrity, to honor what you feel and remember why you chose to open up to group endeavors, especially if the group involvement becomes complex or challenging."
I thought first that this didn’t apply much to my moment as I am not doing group work but due that I work full-time seeing complex cases in Psychotherapy this is already a big socializing, with a big group of people - even it this is in an individual basis, it also challenges me, more than ever since the COVID-19 spread. The dream about Trump is also challenging even if this is a one on one meeting (not a group).
Added to that, the Tarot reading is asking me (and everyone perhaps) to call on unconditional love and to seek for spiritual guidance. Thus, I want to remind you that despite the controversies we all have when dialoguing, there is a creative energy at play and we need to keep harnessing the potential, and keep asking for guidance (individually and collectively).
At the same epicenter of the crisis, there is love and fear in full. Both are present all the time. The most challenging is to unify them and be conscious of both. These moments we are living are calling us to individualize but in the collective pain we are all experiencing (tragedy of seeing people dying). It requires us to think mindfully about ourselves and preserve our lives as the lives of others but also to notice and know that our actions and state of minds are impacting others as well.
The following statement: “The heart wants to love and be loved” has been the core of what I feel I would love to bring in a dialog with a president or the type of the politics Donald Trump symbolizes for me. I would tell him about the principles of love for life, of love for humanity, for the earth, and for the planet.
I would like to talk about the loving attitude that one needs to lead humanity based on the principles for loving each individual to thrive. I would certainly encourage him to create a political fabric that embodies and respects the principles and values of life and holds its values based on a system that cares and loves deeply for everyone, from the bottom of the heart. The place where the source for love resides.
Thus, with this message about love, I believe that the most essential at this time for everyone in the planet it is to nourish your body and have your immune system strong. But we know and we need to recognize that the body is not a separate entity. The body also is connected to our psyches and your souls. Not the mind by itself alone can solve all the problems. The heart and the soul need to be involved as well. They all have a place in the dialog. All parts have to speak up and work together.
Your Mind and your Soul are parts of you who are also essentials in your life to survive and thrive. Your heart and your soul are crucial parts also to be nourished. Thus, by recognizing your psychological and soul strengths it is crucial to consider and put all their resources into practice. Flower Essences are all about nourishing your psyche and soul, and therefore your body and immune system as well.
As I have been granted to work remotely, I talk to them via phone and videoconference and I feel very lucky to be supporting them psychologically at these moments of such a big impact of the corona virus. Basically, I found myself mostly assisting them to recognize their strengths and resilience.
There is many people who are sick and I keep noticing that the ones who have such psychological and spiritual strength, they are above the ones who are healthy. They are the most resilient and they healing faster or holding stronger their purpose when they are able to hold onto themselves more strongly by beating their enemy: FEAR.
As strong and healthy we are psychologically and spiritually, this is going to help us to keep alive and survive. There are many studies that give light to this truth; the same like the law of Darwin which points out that the stronger species are going to be the ones who will survive. In this regard, I believe that at these moments of facing the pandemic, your immune system has a lot to do with how you psychologically face your problems and how strong and resilient you are.
Trauma and high levels of anxiety are in the air as we breathe. My dear mentor reminded me that Anxiety is also in the air, like a virus that spreads as well as the corona virus, and we have to take measures to tolerate the trauma that is emerging (individual and collective), and try to be as compassionate as possible while practice our resiliencies alone for the whole humanity.
Therefore it is time to isolate (individuate) and hold onto ourselves as whole powerful and resilient individuals. To find the nourishment inside ourselves. Our connection with the inner light and to our higher Selves that unites all our parts, that unites the parts that are split and operate from there. Love unites all parts.
The untapped sacred wildness and the power that comes from your soul and its wisdom is there. Mother Nature is present all the time (it is an energetic field and we are all connected to it). This invisible network of energy in all of us and has the answers and the medicine.
When our parts are in balance, in unison, what comes from the wholeness that is pure love might come easily from the heart, and this force comes from Love not from the fear. Those moments when we feel connected and unified, are the medicinal. Flower remedies can be an essential for you in your spiritual journey of facing what transpires for you at these challenging and critical moments.
My last reflection to you to share about my dream is that: Despite me/you don’t trusting the politics and having resistances and fear towards them, there is always an opportunity to trust yourself and your moment (even if by synchronicity you end up sitting in the front row) and things brings you such a special opportunity to have a meaningful dialog to recognize who you are. Recognizing who you are and how powerful you are is what will keep you alive in this battle.
If politics are corrupt, arrogant, unconscious, and narcissistic, you can trust yourself and be the champion and the leader in your community, and only by you taking this journey seriously, you will feel the winner no matter what. Remember that love always wins and conquers all.
May all your thoughts, feelings and actions be aligned with the principles of love and compassion in these challenging times. Please, let me know if I can help you in any way to make this process as conscious as possible for you to embrace life fully despite the challenges. Flower Essences definitely can help. Let’s awaken within and throughout the world.
With much love,
Roser Camats Falip, LMFT
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